Ok, so I'm bummed about the fact that I don't get to grow all the heirloom tomatoes I planned on this year. However, Mother Nature has instead gifted me with the ultimate wait and see game.....at least TEN volunteer tomato plants, of various sizes. They all look pretty healthy and they appear to be a few different varieties judging from the leaves. As long as they are not ALL black cherries I'll be happy! FYI, none of them are from the box where we grew tomatoes last year--they're all from compost. And none of the blighted tomatoes went into the compost, so I feel pretty safe that these guys are highly adapted, disease free tomato plants that really want to grow in my garden. :)
We've also got what looks like hundreds of volunteer marigolds throughout the garden. Most of them are coming up at the side of the house where we had them planted last year, but some are definitely coming from compost. I am again going to trust nature that the marigolds are popping up in the spot they need to fill to protect my plants from bugs. I am a hippie gardener.
Some more of those volunteer tomatoes. The pea plants also have two volunteer POTATOES growing on either side of them! This seems surreal to me, but I went ahead and hilled them up today.
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