Apparently what I think of as chicken and dumplings is really something else, because I couldn't find any recipes close to what I was thinking about. I am gonna guess that the recipe that was in my mind was something perhaps off a Bisquick box? I feel like my mom might have made it, or maybe it's something I had in the any case, in my mind it had peas and carrots and potatoes and drop biscuit sorts of things on top. With paprika.
Since I couldn't find a recipe that was like that, I just made one up. And I am eating it right now and OMG, it is so good. It is EXACTLY what I wanted. Here's what I did, so you can do it too if you want (or I can do it again later in any case)
First, I stewed the chicken.
I smeared some bacon grease left over from breakfast in the bottom of the dutch oven, cut/tore the chicken up into chunks, tossed it in to brown ever so slightly, then added some onion, garlic, parsley, sage, thyme, black peppercorns, salt and water. I simmered that gal for about five hours. It smelled delicious the whole time.
Eventually it was to the point where the meat was literally falling off the bones in shreds. At that point I pulled the chicken and stuff(most of which had pretty much disintegrated) into a bowl to cool. I removed about half the broth left in the pot, strained it, and, transferred it to another bowl.
When the chicken was cool enough to handle, I went through it BY HAND removing meat from bones. This was slightly gross but important. About half of the meat went back into the pot, and the other half into a storage container for some other use later.
Then I added the veggies--2 carrots, about four small ribs of celery with tops, four or so large mushrooms, three small potatoes, diced, a medium sized onion, and about half a cup of frozen peas.
I let them cook in the broth a while so the potatoes and carrots could start to get tender. I also squeezed half a lemon in, because I think lemon and chicken go really well together and I had half a lemon in the fridge. You don't need it.
Then I mixed up a simple drop biscuit dough:
2 cups all purpose flour
2 pinches salt (about 1/4 teaspoon)
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 tablespoons lard (you could use butter if you are not fortunate enough to have lard)
whisk the dry stuff all together and then rub in the fat with your fingers. When it is all mixed in and the flour feels kind of uniformly heavy, add two cups of buttermilk. Mix it with a wooden spoon and then drop by half cupfuls over the top of the stew.
Put the lid on the pot and continue to cook over medium heat while you preheat the oven to 450 degrees. When it is ready, put the pot in and bake for about 15 minutes, till the dumplings are firm and starting to brown. Then you sprinkle paprika on top.
It will be thick enough to eat with a fork, but you can use a spoon if you want to make sure not to miss anything. Enjoy.
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